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(eBook) (PDF) Foundations of Modern Networking: SDN, NFV, QoE, IoT, and Cloud, 1st edition


William Stallings




Foundations of Modern Networking is a comprehensive, unified survey of modern networking technology and applications for today’s professionals, managers, and students. Dr. William Stallings offers clear and well-organized coverage of five key technologies that are transforming networks: Software-Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Quality of Experience (QoE), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloudbased services. Dr. Stallings reviews current network ecosystems and the challenges they face–from Big Data and mobility to security and complexity. Next, he offers complete, self-contained coverage of each new set of technologies: how they work, how they are architected, and how they can be applied to solve real problems. Dr. Stallings presents a chapter-length analysis of emerging security issues in modern networks. He concludes with an up-to date discussion of networking careers, including important recent changes in roles and skill requirements. Coverage: Elements of the modern networking ecosystem: technologies, architecture, services, and applicationsEvolving requirements of current network environmentsSDN: concepts, rationale, applications, and standards across data, control, and application planesOpenFlow, OpenDaylight, and other key SDN technologiesNetwork functions virtualization: concepts, technology, applications, and software defined infrastructureEnsuring customer Quality of Experience (QoE) with interactive video and multimedia network trafficCloud networking: services, deployment models, architecture, and linkages to SDN and NFVIoT and fog computing in depth: key components of IoT-enabled devices, model architectures, and example implementationsSecuring SDN, NFV, cloud, and IoT environmentsCareer preparation and ongoing education for tomorrow’s networking careers Key Features: Strong coverage of unifying principles and practical techniquesMore than a hundred figures that clarify key conceptsWeb support at williamstallings.com/Network/QR codes throughout, linking to the website and other resourcesKeyword/acronym lists, recommended readings, and glossaryMargin note definitions of key words throughout the text 

Published by Addison Wesley (January 14th 2022) – Copyright © 2021
ISBN-13: 9780137582235
Subject: Networking & Security
Category: Advanced Networking